Natural Fertility: FAQ

When women come into clinic in order to address their fertility naturally they often feel as though they really have tried everything possible to make it happen.


However, life inevitably can get in the way. Busy work life, previous children, lack of sex, poor libido, poor fertility awareness, lack of sleep, poor diets all have a detrimental effect on our ability to conceive. However, working in a holistic environment addresses all of these factors, not just one.

My aim is to give you the best chance of conceiving naturally.


So, what are some of the major concerns for women?

‘I’ll have a harder pregnancy and more difficult delivery’. This is where the life you have lived with regards to your lifestyle will make all the difference. Conditions such as gestational diabetes, preeclampsia can become much more of a concern in pregnancy, however depending on how you have lived your life up until this point will make a huge difference. This makes it even more important to make sure you take care of your health before trying to conceive.

When it comes to the delivery there are different factors which can affect the length and intensity of labor and delivery. Due to the aging process, women in their late 30’s and 40’s have lower uterine muscle tone which can cause complications with delivery. Pre-natal yoga is great at strengthening your pelvic floor and helps to keep your body moving and muscles toned whilst pregnant.

‘I won’t be able to conceive naturally’. If you know you have tried everything there is possible to conceive naturally then do not be too hard on yourself. There are alternative therapies include ICSI, IUI and IVF all available to those who may need it. Yes, it may take a little longer to great pregnant then when you were in your 20’s but this normally ranges up to around an extra year longer. If you are planning to go down the assisted reproductive route then it is extremely important to still prepare your body with good food and lifestyle choices to ensure results are maximised.

I’ve been struggling with recurrent miscarriages and not sure what to do next’. 

Miscarriages happen much more than what are spoken about. Not until you get to certain age and your friends and relatives start trying and you realise just how often they occur! It is a unique feeling and one which can cause fear into future pregnancies!

When watching a video on how the egg and sperm actually meets, it’s a miraculous achievement that this actually happens considering how many obstacles the sperm faces on it’s travels!

The percentages of miscarriages does increase as we get older from 15% before aged 35 to as much as 35% in a woman’s in their late 30’s. However, when looking closer at the study you’ll find most miscarriages actually occur when resulting from infertility treatment, the highest from intrauterine insemination or artificial insemination.

Miscarriages can happen for a multiple of different reasons. Firstly, they can occur when there is chromosomal defects, such as Down’s Syndrome. Birth defects are a scary truth for any mother, no matter what the age you conceive, and was found that actually women above the age of 35 are 40% less likely to give birth to a baby with chromosomal defects!

Miscarriages can occur when the women has hypothyroid. This is an underachieve thyroid. Our thyroid is one of the main sites to store hormones which regulate growth, metabolism, heart rate, blood pressure and body temperature. And unfortunately, when there is a thyroid issue for any length of time it prevents ovulation. There are simple tests which you can do at home to see how well your thyroid is working.

There are also genetic tests which you can perform – the main one testing the MTHFR gene. This is if you have had multiple miscarriages. An improperly functioning gene can create elevated homocysteine levels, which when high is believed to increase the risk of heart disease and stroke and can trigger multiple miscarriages, preeclampsia or infertility and increase the risk of having a baby with Down syndrome.